Cells that begin to proliferate in the cervix might develop into cervical cancer. The lowest portion of the uterus that joins the vagina is called the cervix. The human papillomavirus, or HPV, is responsible for most cervical malignancies and comes in different strains. A frequent infection spread during intercourse is HPV. The immune system of the body usually stops HPV from causing harm when it is exposed. But in a tiny minority of cases, the virus lives for years. This plays a part in the process by which some cervical cells develop into cancerous cells. Getting vaccinated against HPV infection and having screening tests can lower your risk of developing cervical cancer. Surgery to remove the cancer is frequently used as the initial treatment for cervical cancer. Medication to destroy the cancer cells may be one of the other treatments. Chemotherapy and medications for targeted therapy are possible options. Strong energy beam radiation therapy is another option. Radiation therapy is occasionally used with low-dose chemotherapy.
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